Sunday, April 25, 2010

Robbing - Call For Backup

Robbing ... Zynga has added a new feature ... "Call For Backup". You start out with "Burners" (get quantity equal to your robbing level). These burners allow you to "Call For Backup" if you lose a robbing attempt. Not sure yet if you get more burners every day or it is a limited supply forcing you to "Ask for more" (your mafia of course).For now ... recommending you to use these on people you have a vendetta against or Mega Casinos that you lose while robbing. It would probably be best not to use them at all until more info on them is available.
NOTE: It still uses same amount of Stamina to "Call For Backup", so there is no bonus on this except You can lose if calling for backup if there is a large spread between you and your opponent.

The Burners now available from Robbing provide an additional strategical element when Robbing. So how & when is the best time to use these?

1) Start robbing properties that use the lowest amount of stamina 1st. Why ... ? Typically you will have a lower win ratio with these properties than with larger ones (assuming you have 501 Mafia and mostly all HEL ).
2) Leave an "EASY" property that requires a lot of mafia (example: Mega Casino)
3) If you lose to a property by a small margin (example: 933 VS 1,154 in this screenshot) ... this is when you should "Call For Backup" and use one of your available Burners

NOTE: DO NOT ask me how the calculations work for robbing. In this screenshot you can see where was 933 VS 1,154 and then when did "Call For Backup" was 767 + 905 VS 1,234 ... /shrug

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