Monday, December 28, 2009

Last Score of 2009 Jobs Glitch!

Wanna know the glitch of this job?
You can do the jobs without having the timer runs on each job! So easy to do.. but you have to provide for the energy to do this.. because it will cost your energy, so not for free...

Simply copy-paste this link on your browser :"city":"3","skip_interstitial":"1"}

You'll arrive on the jobs, so pls choose one..

And then, you can paste the link again.. and choose your desired job again.. do it until you master all jobs and get all the mastery items!

Here are the mastery items from job no 2 and no 3 :

Both got the same mastery item, so I guess job no 1 also has the same item? Can you please confirm, guys? Thanks.

Ok, so here is the list of items we get from Last Score of 2009 Jobs :




1 comment:

Sohit said...